DC Measurements
DC measurements is a widely used technique and as such has a long list of names some of which are:
- CVES (Continued Vertical Electrical Sounding)
- ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography)
- MEP (Multi Electrode Profiling)
All of which is the same basic method of using electrodes (usually metal stakes pushed into the ground), emitting current and measuring potential difference.
With these measurements it is possible to map the electric resistivity of the ground, a parameter that can be used to make geological interpretation of the underground.
Bargheer Geophysics delivers state of the art DC measurement, 2D and/or 3D setups and we make the geophysical modelling with the newest methods and software available, including highly sophisticated in house software.
IP data
With DC measurements only the resistivity of the ground is measured, but more parameters are needed to give a full description of the electrical properties of the subsoil. With IP data this is can be done and it is something Bargheer Geophysics specializes in.
It is possible to extract IP data using 100% duty cycle using modern instruments, recording full waveform data, this makes data collection of IP data very efficient in the field. Including the IP data in the inversion routines improves the resolution of resistivity structures, plus the extra parameters, together with the resistivity, give a full description electrical properties of the subsoil allow us to make an improved geological interpretation.
What DCIP can do
DCIP data is among other things highly linked to the structure of pore space in a medium and for a sedimentary environment this correlates with grain size distributions.
Bargheer Geophysics use DCIP data to directly measure the hydraulic conductivity which is a parameter that is otherwise difficult to measure even with drillholes. Knowing the hydraulic conductivity allows for making highly improved hydraulics models.
Other uses include:
Characterizing value of gravel deposits very accurately
Accurately modelling mineral targets for future mining
Distinguishing different types of geology, that otherwise is impossible to distinguish with other geophysics
Accurately mapping contamination fans and other substances in the subsoil